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How to use graphics

The coloured pictures are very nice in all pages. If you use a moving animation, the visitor doesn´t look over it. The graphic pictures are used for:
A) page logos
B) buttons and hypertext links
C) advertisement
D) animation
E) material for studying - moving pictures created in Java (Cabri Geometry).

Graphic design creates visual logic and seeks on optimal balance between visual sensation and graphic information.

The connection of graphic pictures is the same as the connection of photos.

Graphics joint to the Web site
<p align="center">
<img src ="images/obrazek.gif" alt="My picture" height="250" width="400" /> </p>

a) place "center", height and width are solved by CSS
b) "img" is a non-pair tag - give attention to the end
c) alt - alternative text, very important

Simple graphics have the format .gif for saving (logo.gif). Mostly, we need 256 colours only and this format isn´t too challenging for fluent change over.

Some pictures created in a vector editor. The good programs - Zoner Callisto 4 (Czech product), OpenOffice Draw (Open Source - Linux). You can find many programs in the Internet, too.