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How to use photography

The Web site is a perfect place for photo publishing. This is easy, you can use:
- digital camera
- scanner
- software
All products start in good prices, software can be free of charge.

The main problem is in photography right and interest things more than looking for the way of adapting. The way of view beautiful photos depends on a browser as well as on hardware and a screen. The nice picture of the mountains can be very impressive or featureless. Thank to good software and your art you can get the perfect print from a low-class photography.

Some rules for photography using on the Web page:
A) the size of the photography - screen is in the distinction 800x600 pixels or 1024x800 pixels mostly. If you make a larger photo, this one wasn´t be shown the whole.
B) data size of the photography - this size is about 1 MB or bigger. Such a picture can´t be on the Web, reading would be demanding and visitors very disatisfied. After formatting, the data-size is about 20 - 30 kB. This photography is prepared for publishing on the Web. Resampling is the non-reversible way of basic editing. But the most important.
C) the format for foto saving is .jpg. But give attention during multi-saving - after fifth and more saving is the photography in deep compression and in the lost of quality.
D) you must know how the photography is filled in the page.

Photography joint to the Web site
<p align="center">
<img src ="images/foto.jpg" alt="Great photo." height="250" width="400" /> </p>

a) place "center", height and width are solved by CSS
b) "img" is a non-pair tag - give attention to the end
c) alt - alternative text, very important

Some pictures with commentary.

What digital camera?

I use the camera Canon Ixus v2 (2 MPx). This one makes pictures in the data-size about 1 MB. I´m satisfied with these photographies because their size is optimal and prepared for next editing.
